Category: IoT

  • Crosscompile the Raspberry Pi OS kernel on WSL

    This topic is as a side note that build the Rasberry Pi OS kernel System on WSL enviroment. Previously, this site is noted how to OpenWRT build system setup on WSL. This topic is similally previous one, two topics difference is target of Linux distribusion. OpenWRT build on WSL – Shimoha Tech ( WSL Enviroment…

  • PC wake on LAN from a Raspberry Pi

    PCs have a power-on finction from other devices via LAN. It can be applied to power-on from AI speaker. This topic is PC’s wake on LAN from Raspberry Pi for AI sperker. PC Setting PC’s BIOS or UEFI settings are enabled power-on from LAN. Raspberry Pi Settings for wake on LAN It’s completed, MAC address’s…